There are two ceremonies described in the Code of Jewish Law regarding transitioning from Shabbos back to the work week: Havdala and Melava Malka. Havdala consists of making blessings over wine, spices and a torch, and Melava Malka is a customary meal that we eat to escort the Shabbos queen out.
What is the source of these two ceremonies? In what way do they function as a transition from the holiness and sanctity of Shabbos to the mundane of the regular week?
Join me as we look back at the first Shabbos and the initial transition to the work week in the times of Adam, and Eve and we’ll uncover some of the hidden depths behind these holy ceremonies.
Happy Listening!
Rabbi Moshe
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Genesis Ch. 3, the sin of Adam and Eve – https://www.sefaria.org/Genesis.3.6?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en
Text of Havdalah – https://www.sefaria.org/Siddur_Ashkenaz%2C_Shabbat%2C_Havdalah?lang=bi
Code of Jewish Law, Havdala, 296-299 – https://www.sefaria.org/Shulchan_Arukh%2C_Orach_Chayim.296.1?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en
Code of Jewish Law, Melava Malkah, 300 – https://www.sefaria.org/Shulchan_Arukh%2C_Orach_Chayim.300.1?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en
Sanhedrin 38b, Man ate from the tree on Friday – https://tinyurl.com/fridayeating
Derech HaShem of Rabbi Lozzatto, When man sinned he toppled the world down with him – https://tinyurl.com/dhworld
Da’as Tevunos of Rabbi Lozzatto, Had Adam made it to Shabbos without sinning he would’ve completed his mission – https://tinyurl.com/daastvunos
Medrish Bereishit Rabbah 12:6, G-d waited until after Shabbos to banish Adam from the garden, world stayed bright the entire time until after shabbos, Adam got scared and G-d inspired him to create fire – https://www.sefaria.org/Bereishit_Rabbah.12.6?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en
Sfas Emes, Bereishis, Shabbos remained untainted, unaffected by the sin – https://tinyurl.com/holyshabbos
Beitza 16a, Man receives an extra soul on Shabbos – https://www.sefaria.org/Beitzah.16a.12?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en
Shita Mikubetzes on Beitza 16a, smell besamim after shabbos because extra soul leaves us – https://tinyurl.com/shitabeitza
Bnei Yissaschar, Purim, sense of smell wasn’t tainted by sin of Adam – https://tinyurl.com/bysmell
Elya Rabbah on OC 300, Luz bone only satiated from Melava Malka because wasn’t tainted from sin of Adam – https://tinyurl.com/luzbone