When you take of G-d’s children, you’re partnering with G-d and you can be confident that he’ll assist you in your efforts. If you want to see the hand of G-d in your life, get involved in communal efforts and you’re sure to see how things come together in ways that are oozing with providence.
In this episode, I veer off my classic style of working through a concept from its biblical roots and through its kabbalistic meaning and instead share a bunch of stories of providence that I recently experienced while building the eruv in Richardson. The hand of G-d was so clear that if we needed to ask someone for access to their property to check on something, we almost knew that they’ll probably be sitting on their front lawn with their dog or mowing “waiting” for us.
I found these stories to be inspirational examples of how when you partner with G-d’s mission in the world, you’ll see how you have the greatest partner possible.
Happy Listening!
Rabbi Moshe
To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson: https://thethinkingjew.com/support-us/
If you have stories of divine providence (hashgacha pratis) that happened to you, I’d love to hear your stories as well: thethinkingjewpodcast@gmail.com
To watch the eruv agreement with Mayor Voelker of the City of Richardson, check that out here: https://youtu.be/ZLZcPHEMEHI
Mishebeirach during Shabbos prayers, If you work for the community, G-d will help you – https://tinyurl.com/mishebeirach
Pictures of the front of the bottle of wine – https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0242/1545/3759/products/image_f902a457-4729-491a-9c0e-54eb5fada810_900x.jpg?v=1623766625
Picture of the back of the bottle of wine – https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0242/1545/3759/products/image_a4ca21a0-a923-4b01-8ef6-79ce484f33d0_900x.jpg?v=1623766630