When people think of their relationship with God, they sometimes feel unworthy. God is so great, is it possible that he really cares about me individually? Does he really want to hear my prayer? Does he really care if I get stuck in traffic?
Or perhaps, God did a personal miracle for them and they wonder why did God spare me from a potential tragedy? What did I do to deserve this? I’m not really so great!
What’s the Jewish perspective on this? Don’t we believe that God IS the greatest most perfect being? Why would he care about little me?!
Join me as we take a deeper look into God and into the Jewish soul to uncover just how much God really does care about you! YOU ARE WORTHY!
Happy Listening!
Rabbi Moshe
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All the sources quoted in this podcast can be viewed on this source sheet: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/370071?lang=bi