The Yahrtzeit is the Hebrew date of passing of a close family member. There are many customs observed on the yahrtzeit as a merit for the departed soul, such as, lighting a 24 hour candle, learning Torah and saying the mourner’s kaddish.
In this episode, I take a deeper look at the significance of the yahrtzeit and its customs. What exactly happens to the soul on the yahrtzeit? Why is the Hebrew date of passing still significant in future years? What can we practically do to carry on the legacy of our relative’s that are no longer in this world?
Big thank you to Sasha and Alyssa Sicular for sponsoring this episode with a gold level sponsorship in memory of Sasha’s father, Roy Sicular ob’m, Yerachmiel ben Chaim Ha’Levi z’l. May the Torah learned here serve as a great merit for his soul.
Happy Listening!
Rabbi Moshe
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All the sources quoted in this podcast can be viewed on this source sheet:https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/401908?lang=bi