The first words a Jew says when he or she wakes up is šš°š„š¦š© ššÆšŖ, a prayer expressing thanks to God for another day. Jewish law desires one to say this prayer so immediately upon waking that the prayer doesn’t contain the name of God in it, so one can say it even before they wash their hands (šÆš¦šµšŖšš¢š“ šŗš¢š„š¢šŗšŖš®).
What is so special about this prayer that our sages instituted it as the first words, and really the first thoughts, of the day? What is the deeper meaning behind it?
Join me as I go through the text, the history and the meaning behind this beautiful 12 word opening prayer.
Happy Listening!
Rabbi Moshe
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Source sheet: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/421321?lang=bi