Podcast: The Thinking Jew Podcast

Ep. 58 The Ten Commandments, The Ten Plagues and The Ten Utterances: Discovering The Soul Of The World

Anyone who has read the Bible knows that G-d famously decimated the Egyptian nation with 10 plagues, enabling the Jews to leave and gain their freedom. But why did G-d need 10 plagues? G-d is all-powerful! He could’ve just marched the Jews right out! What was the purpose of these ten plagues? Join me as…

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Ep. 57 Blessing Our Children On Friday Night

Many have the custom to give their children a blessing before they sit down to the Friday night Shabbos meal. We place our hands on our children’s head and wish our daughters to be like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah and our sons to be like Ephraim and Menashe and conclude with the Priestly blessings….

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Ep. 56 You Are Worthy Of A Relationship With God

When people think of their relationship with God, they sometimes feel unworthy. God is so great, is it possible that he really cares about me individually? Does he really want to hear my prayer? Does he really care if I get stuck in traffic? Or perhaps, God did a personal miracle for them and they…

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Ep. 55 The Heavenly Tribunal and Asarah Bi’Teves

There are 6 public fast days on the Jewish calendar: Yom Kippur, Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av), Tzom Gedalia (the 3rd of Tishrei), Asarah Biteves (the 10th of Teves), Taanis Esther (the 13th of Adar) and Shiva Asar Bi’Tammuz (the 17th of Tammuz). And while Yom Kippur and the fast of Esther each have…

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Ep. 54 Uncovering Chanukah’s Deeper Meaning

Chanukah is often viewed as the holiday of lights in which we light the Menorah, eat oily foods and get presents, but is that all there is to Chanukah? In this episode, we uncover the ideological underpinning of the Maccabean revolt against the great Greek army. What did Ancient Greece stand for? What was the…

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Ep. 53 Laws and Customs of Chanukah

In this episode, we go through the basic laws and customs of Chanukah. We discuss the menorah, the fuel, time of lighting, placement of the menorah, the game of dreidel, Chanukah gifts and much more. If you want a quick 15 minute primer to either learn for the first time or remind yourself from last…

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Ep. 52 Why Are We Called Jews?

The name we generally identify with as a religion and a nation is the “Jew”. We consider ourselves Jewish and practice Judaism, but have you ever wondered where this name comes from? In the Torah, God refers to the nation as the “sons of Israel” or the “Israelites” but no mention of Jews or Judaism,…

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Ep. 51 Why Are The Stories Of Genesis Included In The Torah?

The Torah is a legal guide to help us maximize our time in this world. The word Torah itself means instruction or teachings. Why would a book of laws begin with stories? Imagine if the constitution began with stories of George Washington, Paul Revere and Samuel Adams, it’d be ridiculous! The place for stories is…

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Ep. 50 Why Are Mitzvahs Physical – Understanding Physical and Spiritual Space

Often when one thinks of a deep spiritual experience, they think of a transcendent meditation, or maybe about accessing deeper levels of consciousness or the like. They don’t generally think of hanging a parchment outside their front door (mezuzah) or sitting in a wooden hut (Sukka), separating a piece of bread for the priest (Challah),…

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Ep. 49 Uncovering the Mystery of Mikvah

The Mikvah is one of the most powerful tools in Judaism. It has the ability to transform a ritually impure (tamei) person into a pure one (tahor), as well as to transform a gentile into Jew. How does entering a pool of water accomplish such a magnificent transformation? Where does the Mikvah draw this amazing…

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